Indulge in the enchanting powers of Wild Rose Elixir, handcrafted by the Siren's of Sea Siren's Charms. This tincture, made over a full lunar cycle, is said to calm the central nervous system, open the Heart Chakra, and promote love and joy. With additional benefits such as immune stimulation and protection, this elixir is perfect for spiritual connection and attraction. Simply add a few drops to a drink for a bewitching and healing experience.
Sold as a curio only!
Shake Well!
The perfect magickal companion to any love-drawing, self-love, or attraction rituals.
Ingredients: wildcrafted roses and rose hips from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, spirits, and organic coconut-honey.
You will receive pictured item with a Rose Quartz chip at the bottom for some added love. ;)