Threads of Fate Nornirs Rune Votive Candle Set

Threads of Fate Nornirs Rune Votive Candle Set

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The Norns (or Nornirs) were the Norse and Germanic fates, the demi-goddesses of destiny. They lived at the base of the World Tree and their names are Urd, meaning what is, Verdandi, meaning what is becoming, and Skuld meaning what shall be. The roots of their names are reflections of the Norse understanding of time where the past determined what currently is, the present as the here and now that is constantly in a state of becoming, and the future as what shall be as a direct consequence of past events and present developments. Some compare them to the Greco-Roman myth of the Moirai, the three spinners who dictate the life of all.

 ~Urd (white) features the Rune URUZ - representing the origin and destiny of all things.

~Verdandi (grey) features the Rune KENNAZ - representing the first step in the manifestation of destiny.

~Skuld (black) features the Rune PERTHRO - the dice cup, representing moving towards a destiny or choosing a new way forward.

 This triple pack of Runic Votives is perfect for any spellwork or ritual working involving divination, clairvoyance, or honoring and venerating Yggdrasil or the Nornirs.