Medusa was one of three gorgon sisters; she was born mortal, while her sisters were immortal. In one of the many stories about Medusa she was once beautiful and said to be a priestess of Athena. After a heinous act involving Medusa and another Greek God Athena cursed Medusa with her ugly monstrous form for "breaking" her vow of celibacy within Athena's temple.
A beautiful and revered deity! Wear this aroma to be protected and feel your own inner beauty within!
10 ml glass roller bottle.
Hand crafted using perfumers' alcohol, distilled water, organic MCT oil, and 100% pure essential oils.
Aromatic notes of florals, citrus, and woodsy resins.
Note: Once applied please rub perfume into the skin. The aroma comes alive best with the heat created by our bodies.
Artwork Credit: Adina Cieplinski @ Arcoiris Arts ARC